jueves, 17 de enero de 2013



"Innovation Communication Solution - Training with Audiovisual Languages"

We contribute for transforming mental model of a social and business group, with NLP techniques and coaching, to achieve excellence, using the pedagogical use of video as a learning environment and an active methodology from new education.

Each one of us makes mental models of the world that shape the way we touch with reality and determine our behavior. Such personal programming consists of all thought patterns we use to make decisions, solve problems, engage with leadership, learn, evaluate and achieve results. ByNeurolinguistic Programming (NLP) we recode the individual's experience and organize their internal programming for optimal results. We encourage other ways of thinking that open new options to models of excellence. These are series of strategies that will enable human beings to find a way to solve both everyday situations as transcendental on their lives and institutions. Our seminar-workshop uses techniques to analyze and change behavior, change a human being into a being full of confidence in him/herself and his/her own destiny. We develop coordinated and integrated activities on an active and significantly way to clarifying thinking processes, renew, stimulate and prepare people for action.

With our model, pedagogical innovation occurs by thecreativeand critical use of video. Audiovisual language well worked promotes facts of critical thinking and reflection, confronts us with our own view of the world and lets us to know the point of view of others. It teaches us horizonsthat we did not know, connects us with our deepest feelings, widens the imagination and is a window to the inner world. The audiovisual language training allows us to affirm our own existence. Therefore, we conceive the video as a learning environment where participants by apprehend of the visual language can make critical readings of the media and make videos, and finally build knowledge toward excellence. It works with business, educational and social groups in such a way that the video contributes in building effective strategic directions.

The training methodologycomes from New Education Philosophy and is based on the pragmatic useof theseeducation principles: progressive, active, participatory, contextual, reflective, analytical, proactive, dynamic and participatory. This practical knowledge´s approachprovides to the members of your organization, the opportunity to participate actively in the learning and training processes while providesthem interactivity and learning by doing with the video. Thus, our training model contributes to enable a process of generating ideas and solutions for your institution, reduces costs and increases results and benefits for your organization.


He is ex-grantee of Fulbright-HumphreyProgram - U.S. Government, and  ex-grantee of Government of Argentina, academic researcher, Public Administrator of the ESAP, Master in Social Sciences with an emphasis in Educational Research from FLACSO (Argentina), with graduate studies and professional development in educational administration from Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee (USA). He has been lecturer in the areas of Education and Policy Science in Argentina and the United States. He is author of two books published as printed ones in Germany: "Citizenship and globalization, towards a new education: A critical analysis and educational proposal for a new education on citizenship in a globalized world" (2012), and "The Escolanovismo in the Rural Sector of Colombia: Alternatives to build the educational innovation of new school in other school levels and in other countries"(2011). He holds Studies on Teaching Englishas a Foreign Language - TEFL in Vanderbilt University – USA. Wilson Is a researcher and consultant on best practices in the fields of Education, Communication and Innovation, as well as in teaching English as a foreign language. He is advisor on training projects in business and socialfields, and on the organizational communication and innovation. He  is the creator of the Best Practices process in Higher Education at the national level in Colombia,coauthor of the Model "Innovation Communication Solution - Training with Audiovisual Languages", author of the educational innovation in active global citizenship with a new education approach, embodied in his second book. He has been awarded as excellence server twice in the Ministry of Education, andhasalso been an auditor and quality manager at the Ministry of National Education. He serves as Technical Secretary of the CONACES meetings, in the Division of Academic Quality Assurance in Higher Education –Vice Ministry of Higher Education, at the Ministry of National Education of Colombia, where they evaluate the academic programs offered by Institutions of Higher Education nationwide.

He is Director of Film and Television from the National University of Colombia with Specialization in Communication-Education from the Central University. Graduate from the ESL Program (English as a Second Language) of South Eastern Louisiana University, Louisiana State in the United States. He is expert in Hypertext, Hypermedia and New Information Technologiesimplemented in pedagogy and Technology Education. He has expertise in institutional relations, conducting corporate videos, design and layout of publications and printed advertising. He is also a university lecturer in media and multimedia, workshop leader in teacher training in video production. He has been teacher of social communicationin high school. John is an expert in disciplinary areas of Organizational Communication, Marketing and pedagogical/training Video Production. Likewise, he is an enthusiastic motivational speaker.He is consultant and advisor on training projects in business and social fields, and on the organizational communication and innovation. He  is coauthor of the Model "Innovation Communication Solution -  Training with Audiovisual Languages".

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